Fairy Bread

We made fairy bread today in class.

Today in class Mrs Kumar showed us how to make Fairy Bread.

First mrs kumar got two butter knives and she margarined it Nicely and  she told us to Watch so we can learn to term it so we can see and eat the sandwich  and get the Flavours and we can know the flavours that are yummy.

Next  she give the sprinkles a tap on the Bottom to the top and the sprinkles  Spread Everywhere in the bread 

Then mrs kumar got  White napkins and two People Four butternut nife

And do it Nicely in the fairy bread

Finally we got the bread and butternut nife we all wait for turn and we have all turn one by one and then we all ate the sprinkles butternut sandwich it is so so yummy  we ate so happy and have fun eating it so yummy we like this bread it call fairy bread we all made it at the school we love it and then we  got to get happy more and more Happy.

Today we learned how to make fairy bread.

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